Let's talk about rejection. Yeah!
So, if I haven't lost you already - it's manly vulnerability time. Think of a time where you have experienced being rejected. Perhaps it was from a group of people, a job, family, or something else. Now, capture that feeling. Probably feels like an empty reservoir at the bottom of your belly.
Now, let's take that and get rid of it. I pray, "Lord, take that feeling, cast it away, and whatever generated that sentiment of doubt, fear, or anxiety - turn it into dust as it is not of you. Then, fill us with your spirit in all that we do, and pour your purpose throughout our steps - as it is good".
Now, let's take that and get rid of it. I pray, "Lord, take that feeling, cast it away, and whatever generated that sentiment of doubt, fear, or anxiety - turn it into dust as it is not of you. Then, fill us with your spirit in all that we do, and pour your purpose throughout our steps - as it is good".
I didn't realize how the enemy so deeply weaved into my life since birth. I noticed that through my time thus far on the planet, I struggle with rejection. When you realize this, you must take action. Discussing various topics with my soon to be wife shed light on how it's a spiritual battle for our souls, and we are under attack in so many dynamic ways.
This backpack of rocks I've begun unloading in my pseudo-wiser years. Throughout my journey of trying to prove myself through accomplishments such as sports, jobs, titles, bank account, money, others approval, affirmation, and so many other ways that don't truly define the identity God has for me. Perhaps you have wrestled with your identity whether it be through purpose, assignments, position, possessions, or even people.
You may say, "Who doesn't struggle with rejection?". When it's taken to a poisonous level of proving yourself in the wrong manners that needs action. Deflecting the lies with ninja-like skills is an art, and the science behind it is weaponizing yourself through faith, God, and being conscious of it.
This example of rejection of an icon not being given access is a minute notion that none of us are exempt from being denied. http://www.tmz.com/2016/02/16/paul-mccartney-denied-beck-taylor-hawkins-video/. Yes, I just cited TMZ, yikes. Who doesn't let Paul McCartney into their party?! If Sir Paul gets rejected, I think you will experience this too. Perhaps you weren't invited somewhere, part of a certain circle of people, in a particular meeting at work, get that job, accepted into a group, making a team, achieving a certain award, promotion, and so on. These are ways the devil creates doubt, fear, and a sense of rejection in your life. It's poison.
Realizing that you are formed in the image of God, and He knows every details even to your hair follicles is important. You are that cared for. People will accuse you of being something you are not. The world can accumulate experiences that mount into thrusting a false identity around you. You were meant to be free from the world, and stand steadfast in knowing you are a child of God.
Being prayerful around the area of identity allows you to be reminded that your life has a purpose being title, pay, and situations that have happened to you. The nuts and bolts are learning how to be agile, and allow not obtaining something to transform versus destroy you. Making declarations that you are a follower of Christ provokes wholeness, success, and a fortified spirit.
Being prayerful around the area of identity allows you to be reminded that your life has a purpose being title, pay, and situations that have happened to you. The nuts and bolts are learning how to be agile, and allow not obtaining something to transform versus destroy you. Making declarations that you are a follower of Christ provokes wholeness, success, and a fortified spirit.
Don't give permission to rejection to leave unhealthy trails of brokenness throughout your journey. Embrace the fact that you belong, and are part of an amazing story God is writing for you that has plot twists to steer you forward. You are not the sum of your mistakes. You are worth, valued, and better than any rejection.
I pray you and I don't have blinders to our lives where we have bought into spaces of rejection, false identity, or other lies. I pray for truth, grace, and freedom from such distractions that may have layered over you for years, and you transition into a place of peace armed with such perspective. May we be covered in the Lords love, and the gaps of rejection removed - then filled with His truth.
Remember, you are a "Follower of Christ" first. You just happen to utilize your gifts for marketing, sales, volunteer, work, parent, or whatever your daily walks of God's purpose are. Rejection is a weapon the enemy uses to destroy your joy.
Reject rejection, as you belong. Do not allow failures to bring you down, but show you the pathways of where to maneuver towards to achieve your ultimate goals.
I pray you and I don't have blinders to our lives where we have bought into spaces of rejection, false identity, or other lies. I pray for truth, grace, and freedom from such distractions that may have layered over you for years, and you transition into a place of peace armed with such perspective. May we be covered in the Lords love, and the gaps of rejection removed - then filled with His truth.
Remember, you are a "Follower of Christ" first. You just happen to utilize your gifts for marketing, sales, volunteer, work, parent, or whatever your daily walks of God's purpose are. Rejection is a weapon the enemy uses to destroy your joy.
Reject rejection, as you belong. Do not allow failures to bring you down, but show you the pathways of where to maneuver towards to achieve your ultimate goals.
Your bud,
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