Missed this service, https://www.facebook.com/crdschurch/videos/10153590244953935/?pnref=story and more here www.crossroads.net/media, as I was at Man Camp, but after digesting Chuck's wisdom, here are some thoughts...

Pride is just one of many ways the enemy attempts to consume us, inevitably destroying us and our relationships. Same with regret, rejection, mistakes, failures, bitterness, arrogance, false allegations of identity, lies & critical judgment.
We must utilize our God given gifts, talents, and willpower to combat the lies attempting to integrate into the fiber of our existence.
Burn away the burdens that have sunk their talons into your back. Ask God to remove the barriers that seem to keep presenting themselves on your path. Watch the tentacles that have weaved their way around you and your loved ones vaporize away.
God made us to be natural leaders, hunters, and gatherers. We need to pursue and collect healthy things in our lives, not toxins and poisons. God made us to not be consumed, but to be producers in our lives.
Listen to His prompts and focus on what matters. Remove the blinders. Ask God to fill your empty spaces, close gaps, and flow His love Through this clarity, your vision improves. Showing respect for what you know should be done, not for submitting to what's happening is key.
I know this is difficult for many, being vulnerable and engaging such realms can disclose pain. When you invite His way into your life, you will witness changes. You will be uncomfortable. It will not be easy, but - it is the way of the sweet life.
He is the Almighty reconciler, and ultimate master healer. You simply need to lay it at His feet. That's what He is about, and desires for you to be at peace.

I encourage you to notice where the enemy is utilizing the art of distraction and lies in your life to attempt devouring the amazing plans God has for you.
I encourage you to notice where the enemy is utilizing the art of distraction and lies in your life to attempt devouring the amazing plans God has for you.
The devil seeks to destroy, and you are a strong warrior of much value and worth. You are not timid, and you are not weak. You are a child of God, and a disciple of His words that are clear. This world if full of brokenness, but you don't have to be. Be a warrior against evil.
Realize this, dissect where you recognize where adjustments need to be made, forgiveness needs to happen, and repent against what causes you to be restless and stirring. There will be distractions. Be bold in your steps.
Change your rhythms, patterns, and environments that dare threaten your relationship with God, your family, and living a healthy life. God wants you to be rich in his love, and utilize the tremendous talents you're blessed with to produce amazing things through your home, work, hobbies, and friendships.
Define your goals, pray, surround yourself with a good community, go to places and be in situations focused on God, reject being consumed, and start producing through a focused heart for Jesus. He is THE truth, and this is THE path.

With gratitude,
Brian Siegel
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