Calibrating the Day | Prayer


Today I pray for stance, posture, discipline, strength, grace, wisdom, and relationship. We live in a culture of being “transactional”. This for that, “me, me, me”, give to get, and need to be more giving, generous, faithful, and invest with and into love without expectation. Our interactions shouldn’t be transactions, but investments. Instead of treating people and actions like a cash register, I encourage our actions to be thought of in more terms like a 401k long term investment that may not give you something today, but will transpire into great rewards over time. How you invest your time reflects your true nature and intent. It requires conscious thought, mindful words, and truthful heart during pursuit for a abundantly joyful life.



We need to invite God into all that we to in order to position our day, actions, words, and thoughts that are mindful of His will versus our selfish desires. To live in abundance, you must live in truth. We must invite this into our home, work, office, friendships, car drives, coffee, meals, meetings, workouts, and into our families. We should have reminders and remind ourselves of this, not just when things are difficult. This will provide abundance, and more of this is “more” – not just bigger, faster, more expensive things. We become what we say and think. We have the ability to adjust to better tasks. Don't stand for lies, being a defeatist, or accept being a victim of the world's ways.


Creating change, making a difference, and living a better life starts with making ripples in the water, that eventually turn into tidal waves. It means assessing your habits and adjusting patterns. Knowing this isn’t easy makes is easier. Eliminate blame and excuses. Do different, don’t just say different. Do counterintuitive things such as instead of hating your enemy, know God loves them as much as you and pray for them. You can start with sharing with God, “I give you my all”. I give you my gifts and my talents. I give you my heart and soul. My fears, stressors, anxieties, and weaknesses. My strength, pride, and work. I give you my finances, my attention, and worries. I trust you with my all, and ask you give me a life of you.


Realize as you may not enjoy your job, you are blessed with one and pray for your co-workers, boss, and team. We are human creatures of habit who need a circadian rhythm. Breathe a better rhythm. Clean out that basement, feed healthier food to your family, be a leader in your home, make happy traditions, and own your time. You also need synergy with those around you, as no one achieved anything great alone. You must also speak of this change, then pedal forward with action to these goals. To bear healthy fruit, it takes disciplined diligence in your steps – and with agility, as distractions may need to be eroded way on the terrain. Be steadfast, and properly mindful – but also heart-full. Realize each day is a gift and you can conquer all obstacles with the right posture, stance, will, and courage. He gives you this opportunity to decisively move forward in step with His path. Each day is carefully crafted for you as a present to make amazing things happen, in small or large ways – each channel pivotal nonetheless.



There are many gifts we can give and allow in our day, we just have to speak it, think it, and do it. I trust God will not stand for unjust actions of others, and has reasons for temporary strain to provide long term gain. I ask for the posture to stand tall and strong while having the confidence and wherewithal to be wise enough to push forward in the proper direction. I ask for no division in relationship between God and our home, and selves.


I ask that our relationships bolster our stance, our words are thoughtful in nature, our hearts are calibrated to His purpose, and we are surrounded with true love. Be available, be present, and listen. This will be flourishing abundance. God’s gifts for you are all around, are you paying, no – are you obediently investing attention then aligned action? This leads to His grace and favor, nothing else. This is truth. This leads to being consumed with glorious abundance.  He made you to have valuable worth. You are defined by the way you remove obstacles and implement change, not a job, salary, or criticism of others. You were not meant to live a life of fear, anxiety, doubt, and stress – and have the option to make confident and loving decisions tangent to the world’s curve. God can make all things new. God has amazing plans for you, are you showing up?


In His name and Kingdom, Amen.


*I encourage you to have a morning (and daily) prayer groove to start the day, the right way – without limits through the rest of the day as well. One way I do this is by way of
