Mariamu Staford: A brave spirit survives viscious attack in Tanzania

This stunned my heart: Tazanian Woman with Albinism Visciously Attacked; Gets New Prosthetic Limbs - ABC News (via @ABC)

After horrible attack, Mariamu Staford takes steps to regain her independence.

This story stunned my heart, and the fact that people can do this to others, is shocking.

Tanzanian Woman with Albinism Visciously Attacked; Gets New Prosthetic Limbs - ABC News (via @ABC)

Lots of bad things happen in our world everyday. The way the woman in this story has reacted to her attack and the atrocities done to her held me still, and reminded me that amidst such acts, the courage of brave human spirits can prevail. ...As she and others with Albinism in Tanzania and other locations should not have to live in fear of losing their limbs or lives for the sake of lies, this example of strength is beyond moving.

***How to help Tanzanians with Albinism >>
