One Voice Changes All

One Voice Changes All

Read Psalms 53:1 through 56:13; Acts 19:23–41

Otto watched in envy as Tom, a newly converted Christian, shared his testimony with the other office workers. Otto had tried for years to summon the courage to share his faith with his coworkers, and this new Christian was doing it only days after finding Jesus. Otto shrugged. “No one will listen anyway,” he muttered and went back to work. Only moments later Tom led a young man from accounting in the sinner’s prayer.

And you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that man-made gods are no gods at all (Acts19:26).

As believers let us strive to be true to our calling to be God’s ambassadors. Let us be worthy to be called God’s salt and be faithful to the great commission of sharing Christ with others. If we do, our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities can be touched and changed for the glory of Christ—all because someone believed and acted upon God’s Word.

Prayer Suggestion: Lord, will You help me and lead me to people who need to hear about You?

Quicklook: Acts 19:23–32
