Going from being a consumer to a producer means "freedom"
Being bombarded by advertisements, websites, email, phones, texting, fast food, unhealthy habits, stress, white picket fenced dreams, stale patterns, bitterness, anger, judgment, guilt, expectations, doubt, and fear "CONSUMES" our lives!
It's my duty to inspire you to think around ways to surpass the overwhelming junk accumulated in your life, pushed upon you, and bring conscious awareness to your ability to move through the obstacles you know are there, and others that are invisible to you.
If I can share ways to lean up the learning curve with the "CONSUMED" and "C2P" principle, I will be doing my job. I am not sharing this to be a 'self help' guru (if you want though, go to a book store or online to 'read the books and get the tapes', or brush the dust off your self help books in your residence or library!). I am also not telling you that you are not already a "Producer", categorizing you as a following/reacting/enduring "Consumer". Perhaps you are a "Consuming Producer", a mixalation of the two. Perhaps you are already a producer, or label yourself a consumer only.
Regardless, I do not seek to categorize you, give you a label, or define your essence. I do however have energy to bring awareness to the overwhelming number of times I hear people state, "Where does the time go", and "If I could only make time", or "All I feel like is that I wake up, work, eat, and then go to bed again. I wish I could be of more impact, significant, at peace, and more free.". These are the statements I myself reiterate in my mind, my spirit and heart grab a loud speaker and shout through, and I am rowing in a boat next to you with!
That being said, and the onion being peeled a bit, I wanted to breath clarity for you regarding my approach.
I inspire you to notice 3 things today
1.How many words do you think you say vs. hear? (When you speak, are you affirming, inspiring, encouraging, recognizing, and noticing, or a pessimistic cynic who bashes to build with "brutal honesty"?)
2.How many times today do you find yourself reacting vs. leading? (Do you feel you are "part of the team", or merely a "Barely present participator who is an outsider?")
3.Are you dictated to during your day, or are you "with" others leading efforts?(Do you lead by following, merely follow, react to whatever is happening, a 'go getter', or blend of both?)
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